Cancer Terms

Therapeutic Vasopressin

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Pharmacologic Substance -> Therapeutic Hormone -> Antidiurectic Hormone Analogue -> Therapeutic Vasopressin

Therapeutic Vasopressin Definition

A synthetic peptide identical to the endogenous nonapeptide hormone with antidiuretic property. Synthesized in the hypothalamus and stored/released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary, argipressin's primary function is regulating extracellular fluid volume. This agent can also act as a vasoconstrictor, increasing blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance.

Therapeutic Vasopressin Synonyms

Argipressin, ARGIPRESSIN, Arginine Vasopressin, Recombinant Antidiuretic Hormone, Recombinant Vasopressin, Therapeutic ADH

Terms in Therapeutic Vasopressin category

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