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Combination Medication ->
Analgesic Preparation -> Urised
Urised Definition
A combination preparation of methenamine, methylene blue, benzoic acid, phenyl salicylate, atropine sulfate, and hyoscyamine sulfate, with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic properties. Methenamine hydrolyzes into formaldehyde in acidic urine, thereby providing mild antiseptic effect. Methylene blue also exerts mild antiseptic activity and may inhibit bacterial proliferation. Benzoic acid exerts mild antibacterial and antifungal activities and helps maintain an acidic pH in the urine necessary for the degradation of methenamine to formaldehyde. Phenyl salicylate exerts mild analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory actions. Atropine sulfate and hyoscyamine sulfate are antimuscarinic agents that prevent smooth muscle spasms by antagonizing actions of acetylcholine. Urised is used for the relief of symptoms associated with urinary tract infections or diagnostic procedures.
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