Cancer Terms

Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia

Cancer Terms -> Diseases Disorders and Findings -> Diseases and Disorders -> Hyperplasia -> Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia -> Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia

Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia Definition

A benign microacinar proliferation occuring exclusively in the verumontanum and adjacent posterior urethra where the ejaculatory ducts and utricle empty into the urethra. Crystalloids and intraluminal mucin are usually absent, but; intraluminal corpora amylacea are often present. The lining epithelium typically consists of bland cuboidal to columnar luminal cells with underlying basal cells.

Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia Synonyms

Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia, VMGH

Terms in Verumontanum Mucosal Gland Hyperplasia category

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