WH Rat Strain
Cancer Terms ->
Organisms ->
Animal ->
Vertebrate ->
Mammal ->
Rodent ->
Muridae ->
Rat ->
Common Rattus Norvegicus Strains -> WH Rat Strain
WH Rat Strain Definition
A Wistar substrain established in Hanover, Germany (1964), this rat breed is a white albino with pink eyes, genotype c. The WH rat has a low incidence of overall spontaneous tumor formation; the most common in males being pituitary adenomas while females exhibit spontaneous mammary, thyroid, and pituitary adenomas. This is a multi-purpose research strain and applications include aging, oncology, toxicology, and safety and efficacy testing.
WH Rat Strain Synonyms
WH, Rat Strain, Wistar Han
Terms in WH Rat Strain category
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