Welsh Corgi
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Herding Breed -> Welsh Corgi
Welsh Corgi Definition
The Welsh Corgi is a long, low dog with large erect ears, a broad flat skull and a fox-like head. Some differences between the Pembroke and the Cardigan are: the Pembroke usually has straighter legs as it is not quite as long-bodied as a Cardigan; the Pembroke's head is generally more wedge-shaped; the ears are smaller and closer together than the Cardigans; also the Pembroke tends to be lighter than the Cardigan. Height: 10-12 inches (25-30 cm.) Weight: 24-30 pounds (11-14 kg.)
Welsh Corgi Synonyms
Welsh Corgi, Welsh Corgi (region not specified)
Terms in Welsh Corgi category
Cardigan Welsh CorgiPembroke Welsh Corgi
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