Whey Protein
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Retired Concept 2008 -> Whey Protein
Whey Protein Definition
The glutathione (GSH) antioxidant system is foremost among the cellular protective mechanisms. Depletion of this small tripeptide molecule is a common consequence of increased formation of reactive oxygen species during increased cellular activities and oxygen radical generation is frequently a critical step in carcinogenesis. Cysteine is the crucial limiting amino acid for intracellular GSH synthesis. Whey protein concentrate represents an effective and safe cysteine donor for GSH replenishment during GSH depletion in immune deficiency states. Animal experiments have shown that the concentrates of whey proteins increase GSH concentration in relevant tissues and may have anti-tumor effect on low volume of tumor via stimulation of immunity through the GSH pathway. (from PMID 11205219)
Whey Protein Synonyms
Whey Protein
Terms in Whey Protein category
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