Whey Protein Isolate
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Whey Protein Isolate Definition
A biologically active, cystine-rich, whey-based protein isolate. Whey protein isolate is broken down in the body into cystine and glutamylcystine, which travel safely in the blood stream, upon cell entry, deliver a sustained amount of free cysteine to the cells. The available cysteine allows cells to synthesize glutathione (GSH), a tripeptide containing amino acids glycine, glutamate and cysteine, thereby maintaining and increasing intracellular GSH concentrations. GSH plays a major role as an antioxidant, thereby protecting cells from oxidative damage due to harmful substances such as free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds.
Whey Protein Isolate Synonyms
Whey Protein Isolate, Immunocal, Milk Serum Protein Isolate, Undenatured Bioactive Whey Protein Derivative
Terms in Whey Protein Isolate category
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