Cancer Terms

Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vector

Cancer Terms -> Drugs and Chemicals -> Drugs and Chemicals Structural Classification -> Organic Chemical -> Nucleic Acids Nucleosides and Nucleotides -> Nucleic Acids -> Deoxyribonucleic Acid -> Cloning Vector -> Viral Vector -> Retroviral Vector -> Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vector

Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vector Definition

Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vectors are genetic carrier vehicles containing an in vivo selection marker derived from natural or mutant O-6 methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) and are used in gene therapy and biomedical research for selection of specific traits in targeted cells, such as genes that confer resistance to chemotherapeutic agents. Mutant MGMTs resistant to the MGMT inactivator O-6-benzylguanine (BG) are potent markers for in vivo selection in irradiated and non-myelo ablated mouse models using BG plus alkylating agents to drive selection. (NCI04)

Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vector Synonyms

Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vector

Terms in Wild Type and Mutant MGMT Vector category

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